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A word from History

The Pakistan Navy has always been alive to the importance of good education for the children of the Naval Personnel. This intent and purpose thus necessitated mobilization of our own resources which finally led to the establishment of Bahria College, Islamabad.

The foundation stone of the college was laid by Admiral I. A. Sirohey, NI(M), S.Bt., the Chief of the Naval Staff, on 30th August, 1986. In 1995, the Cambridge Wing of the college was formed and only O-Level was offered. Later A-Level courses were introduced later. The college, both in its fixtures and functions, is a symbol of the educational aspirations of Pakistan Navy and is commissioned with the special purpose of providing quality education to children of the naval community in particular and the public in general. Its administration duly keeps in view the importance of over-all development of the students. Therefore, the curriculum of the institution includes, along with various academic disciplines, programs for character building, physical activity, religious motivation and various hobbies so that a foundation is laid for sound scholarship, leadership and philosophy of life